Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Bearded Screenwriter

From Tuesday of last week through yesterday I managed to write a 98 page screenplay.

And I want to do it again.

This is the second feature length screenplay I have written. The first was written during Script Frenzy 2007. The most recent one was written during my self imposed Bearded Screenwriter Challenge.

The "Challenge", as I participated in it, goes as follows:

The mission: To write a screenplay for a feature film (min. 90 pages).
The caveat: Until that screenplay is finished you cannot shave.
The punishment: Should you shave before completing the screenplay, you must make an appropriately sized donation (in my case, $10) to charity.

And now I'm off to shave before round 2. I have a feeling this screenplay will end not unlike the last one.

"And then the world blew up. Fin."
(pro-tip: not a direct quote.)

1 comment:

Asha said...

I heart beards. But I also stick by my idea that your charity could be 'me'. ;p xx