Friday, June 19, 2009

Horrific Pulpy Goodness

So as some or all of you are no doubt aware, I've been making a (mostly) weekly webseries since last Halloween. The concept, initially, was to show a new storyline in four or five parts every month, with new characters but in the same world. Sort of a cross between The Outer Limits or The Twilight Zone and any other episodic television show ever.

I've decided though, that the system is imperfect. The main reason for this imperfection being that I'm asking you, the viewer, to a) come back at least four weeks in a row, without b) giving you any reason inside the episodes (aside from them being awesome) to come back after those four weeks.

So now I'm giving you a reason to come back each and every week for all eternity with a little thing I like to call continuity. Instead of trying to build an entire world through stories about disparate people who probably don't even know of each other's existence, I'm going to try and build a more coherent network of characters and relationships. Basically, I'm going to stop going about trying to create a whole universe backwards.

So starting July 3rd (or whenever the hell after my new camera arrives... we're switching to HD, baby!) you'll get a continuing storyline focusing on characters who will grow and change and become more loved or hated than they could in the four episode arcs that usually ended in death up until this point. Of course people will still die. Just not everyone all the time.

You can expect to see some old faces (Mark Benson as played by Jamie McAllister in Necrotesque and Liam Reiniger as played by Duncan McEachern in The Horror in the Eidolon Apartments being two early candidates) as well as many new ones in the new, continuing story which is just over the horizon. It's going to be fun for me to bring back old characters and finally get to develop everyone a little more, and hopefully it'll be fun for you, the viewer as well.

The first season is going to run from July through September and consist of eight to twelve episodes. That's as far ahead as I'm willing to plan because let's face it: this, like everything that has come before it, is one giant experiment in internet entertainment.

Anyways, to those of you who have been watching thus far, thanks for tuning in. For those of you just joining us (or planning on joining in now that you know we exist) welcome! And to all of you: Enjoy!

If you haven't already, go over and check out the start of things to come.

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