Monday, March 2, 2009

Watchmen: Pre-Release Expectations

My suspicion is that Watchmen will be visually stunning but intellectually underwhelming (relative to the graphic novel). I want Zack Snyder to prove me wrong, but I'm not holding my breath. Nothing against Zack Snyder, but I don't trust film adaptations of literary works.

Prove me wrong Zack Snyder. Prove me wrong.


Asha said...


gord said...

I don't trust Zack Snyder.

He made a great Dawn of the Dead film, but 300 was awful. I hated how fake everything was, and how all fights were in slow-mo. I'm fearful that that's how Watchmen will be.

Ian said...

See I liked 300, but it's pure spectacle, nothing more. Dawn of the Dead, same deal.

But good action or not, I just don't think a film adaptation of Watchmen can bring anything to the table.