Sunday, August 24, 2008

One Sentence Review: Mirrors

Starts with some promise, but simple jump scares and an old woman pretending to be the alien make you walk out of the theatre laughing instead of scared of your own reflection.

1/3 - There are far better horror movies you could watch.


Asha said...

BHAHAHAHA 'whoa, bitch'

gord said...

That's a damn shame. When watching the X-Files film I saw a trailer and thought it looked pretty rad, especially since I really enjoyed Aja's 'Hills Have Eyes' remake (though hated High Tension). Sadly I haven't heard a single positive thing/review.

Ian said...

Yeah, the trailer showed promise, but the actual film never really lived up to it, in my opinion. Haven't seen the Hills Have Eyes remake, but I did see High Tension (which I enjoyed...). But yeah, Mirrors, unfortunately never quite worked for me.