Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Bearded Screenwriter

From Tuesday of last week through yesterday I managed to write a 98 page screenplay.

And I want to do it again.

This is the second feature length screenplay I have written. The first was written during Script Frenzy 2007. The most recent one was written during my self imposed Bearded Screenwriter Challenge.

The "Challenge", as I participated in it, goes as follows:

The mission: To write a screenplay for a feature film (min. 90 pages).
The caveat: Until that screenplay is finished you cannot shave.
The punishment: Should you shave before completing the screenplay, you must make an appropriately sized donation (in my case, $10) to charity.

And now I'm off to shave before round 2. I have a feeling this screenplay will end not unlike the last one.

"And then the world blew up. Fin."
(pro-tip: not a direct quote.)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Six of Ten

Quote of the day, courtesy of Charles M. Blow of the New York Times:

"A Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll released last Friday found that 28 percent of Republicans don’t believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States and another 30 percent are still “not sure.” That’s nearly 6 out of 10 Republicans refusing to accept a basic truth. Then again, this shouldn’t surprise me. According to a Gallup poll released last summer, 6 in 10 Republicans also said they thought that humans were created, in their present form, 10,000 years ago."

From here.