Sunday, August 24, 2008

One Sentence Review: Mirrors

Starts with some promise, but simple jump scares and an old woman pretending to be the alien make you walk out of the theatre laughing instead of scared of your own reflection.

1/3 - There are far better horror movies you could watch.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

This is a vlog. A what? A video blog.

Ok, so I lied. This is a blog post about a vlog. A vlog I'm thinking of starting. What I want to do is 30 second rants, reviews, or just ramblings about whatever strikes me. I hope to do these 3 days a week. I'm probably being way too ambitious. But this is actually a step down from the initial plan of 1 minute, 5 days a week. But 30 seconds, 3 days a week, starting... soon.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Video Game: Puzzle Pirates

Ok, so it's not Gears of War, but it's a video game. That's enough of a similarity, right?

Puzzle Pirates is like a casual game (you know, Tetris, Peggle, Zuma, anything by Pop Cap Games really) for gamers. It's simple enough to be accessible to everyone, yet has enough depth to keep people playing and maybe even paying to dress up their pirate, or even buy their own ship.

The mini-games at the core of Puzzle Pirates are played in order to complete various tasks onboard ships (either computer controlled "Navy" vessels, or ships owned by other players), ranging from sailing, to repairing the ship, to sword fighting when engaged in combat (the more piratey aspect of the game). The more you play, the better your rank in the specific mini-game, although I'm not sure if this confers any bonus aside from bragging rights. The mini-game styles, while all simple, vary in their specifics while fitting the maxim that casual games should be easy to pick up but difficult to master. So they're fun without being frustrating, or quickly becoming boring.

Anyways, if you have too much time on your hands, Puzzle Pirates is an excellent way to kill it. And if you don't have too much time on your hands, this is yet another excellent way to procrastinate. I know what I'll be doing once the school year starts.

2/3 - Worth checking out, although you can definitely live without it. And if you do go without, your productivity won't suffer so... maybe that's a good idea.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ex Mortuis

A short film I shot last week:

Plan is to make it into a series, premiering in October.  Check out the production blog here.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Film: The Dark Knight IMAX

Is it worth the price of admission to see The Dark Knight on IMAX?  Yes and No.

Yes because the screen and sound system are incredible.  Yes because the IMAX scenes in The Dark Knight look significantly better on the IMAX screen.  Yes because it's a good movie anyways, and this makes it just that much better.

No because the vast majority of the film was not shot with the IMAX camera.  So unfortunately, it doesn't make the most of the available technology.

But if you haven't seen the movie, and can get in to an IMAX theatre to watch it, definitely go.  If you've already seen the movie, well, there are worse ways you could spend an evening.  But there are also better ways.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Twitter: A little blog about nothing

You: Why?
Me: Why not?

To the right, one down.

It's official. I'm a twit.